Milk And Cream
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"You’re the first one… that can feel my presence…""What the… You look cute even though it's just a dream…"Under the influence of his shaman father, Jinhyuk has the ability to sense non-human entities. Furthermore, the fairy who is in love with Jinhyuk hangs around him, pulls pranks on him, and, with the help of a succubus, enters his dreams. With his pure intentions, the fairy thought, "I will only meet him once." Instead, the brief meeting made his affections for him become stronger. Every night, Jinhyuk has a dream in which the fairy appears; unlike the ghosts he had seen as a child, the fairy appears to be harmless. What starts as pure curiosity turns into a flirtatious encounter, and the two are drawn into a sweet, creamy dream… A dream as fresh as milk and as sweet as cream!