Kyou, Hana No Gotoshi
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Has two oneshots, the main story and an 1-3: Prodigal son Reiji Naruse returns home to inherit the family business of Naruse Corporation (aka The Naruse Yakuza Group). Along with the assets, he also inherits the company's skillful, seductive, and fiercely loyal negotiator, Kikuchi. Kikuchi has pledged his life to the Naruse family, but where will that loyalty lead when it concerns Reiji's personal life?ch. 4: has to do with a president of a company (Kousaka) and the guy who works for him (Sugiura). Sugiura is asked by Kousaka to pretend to be his lover..... what will happen to these two in the future?ch. 5: is connected to the first story. Hiroyuki-san (or Hiro-nii) meets a petshop assistant (Kashihara Nao) and then buys a cat and has Nao deliver it? what is he up to?!