I’m living with my Mother-in-law!
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Read manhwa I’m living with my Mother-in-law! It’s well-known that living with one’s mother-in-law is basically hell. So marrying a poor merchant with no family should be an easy way to avoid that mess, right? Well, that was Elaen’s plan until she realizes that her husband, Ahen, lied to her, and is actually the son of the empire’s ferocious Grand Wizard, Kanessis Corenea, who she’ll have to live with at her palace! Though intimidated at first, Elaen realizes that Kanessis is nothing like the figures in mother-in-law horror stories, and becomes enamored with her charisma and unexpected kindness. If anything, the problem here is Ahen’s ulterior motives for marrying Elaen, which she only discovered after the fact. But with Kanessis by her side, Elaen is ready to face any and all challenges in her marriage. Perhaps living with her mother-in-law was the best thing to ever happen to her after all!